annual crops
tree crops
fruit and horticultural crops
animal production and veterinary medicine
forestry and territories
environment and people
methods for innovation
CIRADôs mission is to contribute to the economic development of these regions through research, experiments, training, and dissemination of scientific and technical information. CIRAD is organized into seven departments: CIRAD-CA (annual crops), CIRAD-CP (tree crops), CIRAD-FLHOR (fruit and horticultural crops), CIRAD-EMVT (animal production and veterinary medicine), CIRAD-Forêt (forestry), CIRAD-TERA (territories, environment and people), and CIRAD-AMIS (advanced methods for innovation in science). CIRAD operates through its own research centres, national agricultural research systems, or development projects. CIRAD is issuing its annual report on CD-ROM. This support offers users a wider range of information. It includes a virtual library containing CIRAD communication documents. The two animated sequences produced for CIRAD's participation in the 2001 Paris International Agricultural Fair (SIA 2001), "Tropical forests and man" and "About deforestation" are also on the CD-ROM.