
  Title: IPGRI Newsletter No. 42 : List of IPGRI Publications.


genetic resources plant molecular biology plant genetic resources biodiversity conservation crop genetic diversity bibliographic listing

Tags (cd)



Ipgr - 2003 - 1

SEARCA Library




Serdang, Malaysia :

In line with our plan for wider dissemination of information, we are now moving into the electronic copy (e-copy) system of distributing, first, the Newsletter and, subsequently, all other publications to be produced by IPGRI. All Newsletter subscribers will receive e-copies of the newsletter in CD-ROM starting with this issue (No. 42) onwards. This CD-ROM contains the electronic version of the Newsletter Issue No. 42 and other IPGRI publications, a bibliographic listing of which is also provided in this CD. The e-Newsletter is produced quarterly and would be shipped with e-versions of any new publications produced by IPGRI. Crop descriptors have not been included in this CD-ROM yet but would be contained in the next issue.

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