
  Title: IITA Annual Report, 2002.


tropical agriculture food security starchy and grains sub-saharan Africa humid and subhumid zones food systems and cereal-legume systems natural resources and biotechnology tools integrated pest management (IPM) germplasm management genetics and crop improvement

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AR - IITA - 2002 - 3

SEARCA Library


International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA),


Ibadan, Nigeria :

The following highlights based on the new project portfolio grouped into six themes called projects: Project A-preserving and enhancing germplasm and agrobiodiversity, Project B-developing biological control options, Project C-impact, policy, and system analysis, Project D-starchy and grain staples in Eastern and Southern Africa, Project E-diverse agricultural systems in the humid zone of West and Central Africa, Project F-improving and intensifying cereal-legume systems in the moist and dry savannas of West and Central Africa.

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