
  Title: Singapore National Bibliography 2010.


Singapore national bibliography national library board bibliographic information and database publications catalogue social and cultural heritage

Tags (cd)



B - SING - 2010 - 7

SEARCA Library


National Library Board Singapore,


Singapore :

This DVD-ROM edition of the Singapore National Bibliography (SNB) is a continuation of the printed SNB and the CD-ROM. The first volume of the SNB was published in 1969, covering the 1967 imprints. From 1977 onwards, it was issued four times a year, in addition to a cumulative annual. The SNB on CD-ROM format was first produced in 1993, with two issues being produced a year, for all cumulative records up to June and December of each year. With effect from Issue 2 of 2009, the Singapore National Bibliography will be published in DVD-ROM. The SNB records the publishing output and publishing trends in Singapore. It is an important source of information on the documented heritage of Singapore and is used for reference and research. As standard cataloguing information is provided, it also provides useful bibliographic information.

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