
  Title: PCARRD Annual Report, 2004 and Highlights 2004.


science and technology academic scholarship research and development crops and agricultural resource management engineering and ecosystem forestry environment livestock socioeconomics

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AR - PCAR - 2004 - 1

SEARCA Library




Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines :

In place of the usual manner of reporting by banner program, this report clustered the activities and projects according to the four major final outputs (MFOs) targeted by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in 2004. The MFOs include new knowledge and technology generated, knowledge and technology diffused, human and institutional capabilities built, and S&T services provided––supposed to be the indications of how well an agency has fared in the discharge of its mandates. For PCARRD, despite 2004’s budget limitations in the bureaucracy, it continued to develop and promote the gains of research, development, and extension work.

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