
  Title: SEAMEO BIOTROP : Centre Director Report, 2004.


SEAMEO BIOTROP directors report tropical biology community involvement program national biodiversity information network

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S - BIOT - 2004 - 2

SEARCA Library




Bogor, Indonesia :

Fiscal Year 2003-2004 is the second year of implementing the BIOTROP Seventh Five-Year Master Plan (2002-2007). This year marked better quality programs, more aggressive marketing strategies, stronger collaboration with national and international funding agencies, stronger financial standing as a result of the release of the SEDF for the last three years and increase in operational budget, and better and more efficient service to its clients as a result of upgrading the status of its staff, both in terms of capacity and benefits. A total of 350 participants have been trained by SEAMEO BIOTROP in seven regional and seven national training courses. These activities had been supported by various funding agencies, as well as by fee-paying participants. Twenty-four research seminars have been conducted. Two international and 13 DIP-funded have been completed within the year under review, while three international research and 16 DIP-funded research are still on-going. One of the highlights of this year is the establishment of the Indonesian Biotechnology Information Center (IndoBIC) with SEAMEO BIOTROP as host and secretariat, together with IPB, LIPI, and the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development of the Ministry of Agriculture. Like the other BIC located in the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Egypt and South Africa, IndoBIC is funded by the International Service for the Acquisition of Agro-biotechnology Appalications (ISAAA). IndoBIC has conducted the International Seminar on Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture in October 7 and 8, 2003. Undergoing accreditation for the ISO 17025 for its Service Laboratory is another important highlight for SEAMEO BIOTROP during the year under review. Upgrading the standards of its products and services will satisfy the demands of its clients and increase marketing. This includes improving the quality of performance of the Laboratory personnel, the standardization and completion of all required documents related to its...

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