
  Title: SEAMEO INNOTECH : Annual Report for FY 1997-1998 - Working Paper.


SEAMEO INNOTECH information and technology education innovation training courses research projects and grants

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S - INNO - 1998 - 3

SEARCA Library




Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines :

This working paper presents the accomplishments of SEAMEO INNOTECH for the period 1 July 1997 - 30 June 1998. Improving quality and relevance of Centre programmes and services serve as the underlying theme in all Centre activities undertaken during the period under review. Feedback from course participants indicate effectiveness of the courses in terms of content, method and organization. Course enhancement approaches and strategies employed included use of video presentations and new learning materials and resources, provision of Internet and e-mail access for all participants, integration of new information technologies in courses, tapping of foreign resource persons and experts to conduct some of the Centre's courses and benchmarking with some of the best training organizations. Of the 35 courses conducted during the fiscal year, 29 or 83% were special courses indicating Centre's flexibility in meeting emerging human resource development needs particularly in the Philippines where the bulk of beneficiary institutions serviced are based.

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