
  Title: SEAMEO TROPMED Network Office : Accomplishment Report 2003-2004.


SEAMEO TROPMED tropical medicine public health

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S - TROP - 2004 - 5

SEARCA Library




Bangkok, Thailand :

SEAMEO TROPMED Network Office Highlights of Accomplishments for 2003-2004, a total of 48 scholars in the regular programs offered by the Network; a short course in Advanced Asian Short Course in Tropical Epidemiology was organized in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with 11 participants from the member countries; organized a new programs on distance education and epidemiology in health development; conducted study visits in Thailand; provision of expert services and provide technical support in Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Philippines; primary health care for Lao PDR; conduct of functional English courses for international students attending degree and non-degree programs; access to markets through publications (List of Publications in FY 2003/2004); participation in regional and international fora and conferences. Future challenges for the network are expand networking for Human Resource Development within and outside the region; establish new partnership on relevant health and health-related issues in the region; strengthen existing collaboration with development agencies and partner countries.

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