
  Title: 2002 Census of Fisheries Philippines : Volume 1 Final Report.


fishing municipal fishing commercial fishing aquafarm aquafarm operation

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CensFish - 2002

SEARCA Library


National Statistics Office (NSO),


Manila, Philippines :

The 2002 Census of Fisheries (CF 2002) was the second phase of the 2002 Censuses of Agriculture and Fisheries (CAF 2002). This is the fourth census on fisheries undertaken by the National Statistics Office (NSO). The collection of data on agriculture and fisheries establishments was first included in the Economic Census (EC) in 1903, 1918, 1939, and 1948. Since 1971, and every ten years thereafter, the Census of Fisheries (CF) has been conducted together with the Census of Agriculture (CA) and are collectively known as the Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (CAF). However, for this census round, CF 2002 was undertaken separately from 2002 Census of Agriculture (CA 2002).

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