List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1476 A handbook for rapid appraisal of fisheries management systems (Version 1). rapid appraisal fisheries management research design survey secondary data analysis reconnaissance survey field data collection community validation report writing

Pido, M.D.; Pomeroy, R.S.; Carlos, M.B.; Garces, L.R.


862 A handbook for weed control in rice weeds weed control herbicides irrigated rice upland rice rice farming

Kwesi Ampong-Nyarko; De Datta, S.K.


436 A handbook of alkaloids and alkaloid-containing plants genera alkaloids family molecular formulas molecular weights chemical nomenclature botanical nomenclature

Mew, T.W.; Gonzales, P.


3078 A handbook of beach plants in the Philippines. beach forest species

Palis, Honorato G.


1702 A handbook of rice seedborne fungi. rice, seed, fungi, seed health,

Mew, T.W.


1957 A handbook on Philippine sweet potato arthropod pests and their natural enemies. sweet potato, pests of plants, species, biology, nature of damage, natural enemies, pest control,

Amalin, D.M.


740 A manual of rice seed health testing seed health, seed quarantine, bacteria, nematodes, insect pests, weed seed, seed treatment, viruses, fungal pathogens, book

3102 A manual on computing carrying capacity of ecotourism sites in protected areas. carrying capacity Boullon's Carrying Capacity Mathematical Model ecotourism development

Calanog, Lope A.


542 A meta-analysis of rates of return to agricultural R&D: ex pede herculem? research impacts evaluation research and development

Alston, Julian M.; Chan-Kang, C.; Marra, M.C.; Pardey, P.G.; Wyatt, T.J.

book ifpri research report 113

2862 A methodology for assessment of the impact of microfinance on empowerment and vulnerability. microfinance social capital empowerment rapid rural appraisal risk management

Gaiha, Raghav; Thapa, Ganesh
