List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16424 Livestock - For milk and meat: Breeding goats the scientific way goat raising; milk; breeding; breeding systems; meat; dairy; Philippines

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

1251 Livestock and poultry production. Simple Agro-Livestock Technology forage grasses fodder native chicken animal housing forced feeding book agroforestry technology information kit (atik) 4

13206 Livestock and poultry: Recommended farm practices during la nina and the rainy season parasitic infestation; ruminants; herd management; pasture management; deworming; health status; animals serials pcaarrd information bulletin no. 83

13205 Livestock and poultry: Recommended feeds and farm practices during el nino feeds; supplementation; Supak system; cattle; rice straw feeding; carabao; poultry; urea-molasses-mineral block; silage production; energy; cereals; grains; feedstuffs; farm; swine; ruminants; animal transport; native pasture; forage legumes; cultural management; trees; shrubs serials pcaarrd information bulletin no. 82

9056 Livestock farming with care: Towards sustainable production of animal-source food. livestock production, ethics, sustainability, environment, welfare, precision livestock farming, serials njas-wageningen journal of life and sciences

10653 Livestock production and climate change. abiotic stress nitrogen emissions phosphorus pollution microbial diversity proteomics carbon sequestration animal reproduction meat production enteric methane emission methane emissions ionophores ruminant production mitigation phage therapy livestock methane amelioration purch

962 Livestock production and diseases in the tropics: Livestock production and human welfare livestock production agricultural research animal husbandry training needs livestock role of women disease epidemiology

Zessin, Karl-Hans (ed.)


10681 Livestock production and management. sustainable agriculture cattle housing farm business management dairy calf dairy heifer horse sheep goat mule dairy cattle poultry farming

Singh, S.K.


278 Livestock production in rural development : Development of livestock policies (Proceedings of the International Workshop). livestock production rural development policies

Gootjes, C.P.; den Hertog, G.; de Jong, R.; Nell, J.R. (eds.)


283 Livestock products in the Third World: past trends and projections to 1990 and 2000 production consumption trade

Sarma, J.S.; Yeung, P.

book ifpri research report no.49