List of Purchase : 969

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9979 Basic statistics for business and economics. statistics data probability distribution sampling methods estimation hypothesis multiple regression Chi-square correlation analysis

Lind, Douglas A.


10381 Basic statistics of the Lao PDR 1975-2000. population meteorology hydrology gross domestic product price investment labor force agriculture commerce education public health culture tourism transport communication purch

10574 Basic statistics. statistics experimental designs correlation and regression probability theory hypothesis testing estimation inference

Brase, Charles H.; Brase, Corrinne P.


9960 Basic statistics. statistics probability sampling data collection frequency distribution linear correlation variance multiple correlation

Ybañez, L.M.


10059 Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. qualitative data analysis statistical methods Grounded Theory evaluation

Corbin, Juliet; Strauss, Anselm


10564 Beach forest species and mangrove associates in the Philippines. coastal plants forest species mangrove plants identification classification uses leaves flowers fruits

Primavera, Jurgenne H.; Sadaba, Resurreccion B.


10565 Beef and poultry meat processing. meat classification beef carcass corned beef hamburger poultry meat processing chicken ham skinless chicken longanisa chicken tocino duck ham salted egg purch business guide series

9965 Behavior of research organizations: Philippine cases in agriculture and natural resources. research organizations researchers organizational behavior

Lumanta, M.F.; Cuyno, R.V. (eds.)


10338 Bending the wind: Lessons from Mt. Makiling: Empowering people for natural resource management. environmental protection forest protection Mount Makiling Philippines forest protection policy Mt. Makiling

Bagadion, Benjamin C., Jr.


10305 Beyond farmer first: Rural people's knowledge, agricultural research and extension practice. knowledge indigenous knowledge watershed management farmers participatory methods innovations livelihoods researchers landcare extension systems sustainable agriculture quality control

Scoones, I.; Thompson, J. (eds.)
