List of Theses : 1587

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12292 Sustainability of food and nutrition diversification projects in West Sumatra, Indonesia community development food and nutrition projects Sumatra Indonesia

Asdi Agustar


12819 Sustainability of polyculture model for small aquaculture farmers in Phu Vang District, Thua Thien, Hue Province, Vietnam. polyculture aquaculture tiger black shrimp rabbitfish kinh

Mac Nhu Binh


12353 Sustainability of smallholder cashew production in West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia. environmental science sustainability cashew production West Nusa Tenggara

Agus Hasanuddin Rachman


11956 Sustainability of the Ifugao terraces farming system: an evaluation rural development sustainability Ifugao farming system

Culhi, Leopoldo M.


14877 Sustainable solid waste management system for Pyin Oo Lwin township, Myanmar solid waste management; waste management practices; awareness

Theint Theint Aung


12820 Sustainable tourism development at Gelung Beach Situbondo. Gelung beach sustainable tourism sustainability analysis tourism development

Firmansyah, Riza


11995 Sweet potato meal as replacement for corn in iso-nitrogenous and iso-caloric broiler and swine rations animal science Sweet potato feed meals broiler swine rations

Saure, Romeo V.


12413 Swine commodity systems study in Cantho province, Vietnam. swine commodity system swine raising pork consumption export slaughterhouses world trade marketing prices pork processing technology

Luu Tien Thuan


14234 System analysis of maize (Zea mays L.) postproduction mechanization in East Java, Indonesia maize; Zea mays L.; supply chain; harvesting; storage; postproduction; mechanization

Fitriati, Deasy


13058 Systematic review on forest governance research in Indonesia forest governance forest policy forestry problems land clearance forest fire climate change mitigation forest conservation

Erna lka Rahayu
