List of Materials : 16414

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15253 A platform for social business incubation in the Philippines: The case of Gawad Kalinga Enchanted Farm social enterprise; social business incubation; business model

Habaradas, Raymund B.; Aure, Patrick Adriel H.; Mia, Ian Benedict R.

serials dlsu business and economics review

13706 At the root of exodus: Food security, conflict and international migration food security; migration; conflict; livelihood weblinks

15424 Banana tissue culture in India – a success story banana; cultivation; cultivation practices; tissue culture; virus indexing; economics; export; certification; benefits; India

VK Baranwal; Reetika Kapoor; Shiv Kant Shukla


15292 Design and performance analysis of a seasonal ice storage system for cooling Chinese solar greenhouses computational fluid dynamics; optimize; temperature; winter

Xuan Gu; Rui Wang; Tianlai Li; Hui Xu

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15049 Digital technologies in agriculture and rural areas – Status report Information and Communication Technologies; innovation; agricultural sector; rural communities; rural development; digital technologies; digital agriculture; digital transformation

Trendov, Nikola M.; Varas, Samuel; Zeng, Meng


15089 GIS-aided development of flash flood guidance with selection of reforestation and conservation areas for Bigaan River Basin, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines reforestation; geographic environment system; flash flood; flash flood guidance

Vallente Jr., Jefferson R.; Abuzo, Anabel A.

serials sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources

15146 Review: Managing scarce water resources in the drylands of West Asia and North Africa: Review of joint research between ICARDA and Japanese researchers micro-catchment rainwater harvesting; rangeland rehabilitation; supplemental irrigation; water productivity; water yield relationship

Masafumi Tamura; Theib Oweis; Vinay Nangia; Stefan Strohmeier

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15145 Review: The CGIAR - JIRCAS partnerships for sustainable food systems: Rice blast differential systems and biological nitrification inhibition as examples Africa Rice Center; CIAT; CIMMYT; ICRISAT; IRRI

Satoru Muranaka; Yoshimichi Fukuta; Subbarao, Guntur V.; Tadashi Yoshihashi

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15391 Supporting education, science, and culture in the digital age by accelerating the recovery of special needs children using the MNRI method primary reflexes; essential therapy method; children with special needs; MNRI

Sutikno, N.

serials journal of southeast asian education

13832 The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2018 - Meeting the sustainable development goals fisheries; aquaculture; sustainable development; capture fisheries production; fishery resources; fish utilization; trade; consumption; governance; policy; food security; human nutrition; inland fisheries; illegal fishing; unregulated fishing; climate change impacts; small-scale fisheries; international trade; value chains; ocean pollution; social issues weblinks