List of Materials : 16414

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10497 2010 Revenue regulations and selected revenue memorandum circulars. income tax taxes senior citizens tax returns internal revenue value-added tax documentary stamp purch

3085 2011 Global food policy report. food policy food policy development food prices biofuels land degradation global food system food policy tools book

3144 2011 R&D highlights. crops poverty alleviation agricultural resources management food security natural resource management sustainable development livestock allied services book

10496 2011 Revenue regulations. income tax money remittances Overseas Filipino Workers revenue regulation international carriers leasing residential lot personal equity retirement goods and services purch

9729 2011 SEAFDEC/AQD Highlights. cd

10540 2012 Revenue regulations. sales and purchases tax administration petroleum and petroleum products lease gold metallic minerals construction projects vehicles VAT residential lots

Bureau of Internal Revenue


13643 2013 Global food policy report nutrition; hunger; undernutrition; food security; sustainable agriculture; research and development; information; communication; farmers; markets; malnutrition; agronomy; organic food production book

2997 2013 Global hunger index : The challenge of hunger: Building resilience to achieve food and nutrition security. hunger nutrition security food security REDD-plus

Klaus von Grebmer; Derek Heady; Tolulope Olofinbiyi; Doris Wiesmann; Heidi Fritschel; Sandra Yin; Yisehac Yohannes


3153 2015 global hunger index: Armed conflict and the challenge of hunger. conflict hunger

Klaus von Grebmer; Jill Bernstein; Nilam Prasai; Sandra Yin; Yisehac Yohannes; Alex de Waal


13089 2016 Global hunger index: Getting to zero hunger hunger; sustainable development

von Grebmer, K.; Bernstein, J.; Nabarro, D.; Prasai, N.; Amin, S.; Yohannes, Y.; Sonntag, A.; Patterson, F.; Towey, O.; Thompson, J.
