List of Materials : 16414

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6221 "Walking the pens": An educational guide to individual pig care (Part 1). pigs barn preparation feeding disease control disinfection

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

2740 "We are living with worry all the time" - A participatory poverty assessment of the Tonle Sap. poverty assessment gender natural resource management livelihood migration rural credit poverty reduction forest resources

Ballard, Brett M.; Sloth, Christian; Wharton, David; FitzGerald, Ingrid; Murshid, K.A.S.; Hansen, Kasper K.; Runsinarith, Phim


15920 #MeToo: A comparative study of the #MeToo movement in the United States and South Korea using collective action frames and hashtag feminism #MeToo; social movement; framing; collective action frames; feminism; hashtag feminism

Mendoza, Ma. Jestine J.

serials philippine journal of public policy (pjpp)

14722 ''Kangkong Queen" helps her community while fully rehabilitating her organic farm after typhoons Yolanda and Ursula organic farm; crops; legumes; Fabaceae; lettuce; Lactuta sativa; kangkong; Ipomoea aquatica; cabbage; Brassica oleracea; typhoon

Hubilla, Ellaine Kryss

serials agriculture magazine

11345 'A useful past, a happy future'. health agriculture biotechnology food security farm productivity sustainable development crop yields health care antibiotics waste management DNA rabies vaccine production

Serrano, Segfredo

biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology

11347 'DNAnakakaduda ang ebidensya'. DNA biotechnology DNA technology DNA analysis DNA fingerprinting UP Diliman Natural Sciences Research Institute : UP-NSRI University of the Philippines DNA Analysis Laboratory : UP-DAL

Ramon, Godfrey

biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology

11325 'Doubly green revolution' now in Asia. green revolution, doubly green revolution, Ronald Cantrell, IRRI, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), food security, chemical fertilizers, plant protection, crop biodiversity, modern technology, high-yielding, rice farming, Gordon Conway, simple site-specific nutrient management (SSNM), Livelihood Improvement Through Ecology (LITE), Rockefeller Foundation, Asia, Bangladesh, Mekong Delta, Vietnam, Yunan, China, Philippines, biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology

11386 'IPRs in biotech have important role in sustainable development. DNA genomics sustainable development germplasm intellectual property rights biotechnology rural development genetically modified Brazil cotton India global biotech genetic resources biopiracy

Resurreccion, Lyn

biotech biolife

11406 'Lakbay Biotek' enhances public appreciation on biotechnology. biotechnology

Lapitan, Rochella

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

10999 'Miracle rice' seen as cure to Vitamin A lack. miracle rice, vitamin A, SEAsia, biotechnology, genetically engineered, transgenic, biotech philippine star