List of Purchase : 985

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16476 Animal nutrition and feeding animal nutrition; nutrients; digestive systems; forages; nutrient requirements; animal feeds; lipids metabolism; feeding behavior; carbohydrates; feed formulation; future trends

Matthews, Kayden


10415 Animal physiology. hepatic steatosis fatty acid mice Anopheles gambiae Drosophila polyamines Angiotensin butyrate ingestion hepatic glycogen permethrin house flies Musca domestica cystic fibrosis taste bud cells cardiac conduction system lactisole Chorda tympani oocytes water frogs

Brown, Margaret (ed.)


10112 Anthropology: The exploration of human diversity. anthropology archaeology cultural diversity culture ethnicity language evolution states communication political systems marriage gender religion arts colonialism cultural exchange

Kottak, Conrad Phillip


10152 Are you being served? New tools for measuring service delivery. service delivery medical care quality control health facilities school surveys quality assurance education nutrition program

Amin, Samia; Das, Jishnu; Goldstein, Markus (eds.)


16478 Artificial intelligence in food, agriculture and water artificial intelligence; agriculture; precision agriculture; pest and disease detection; automated farming; robotic applications; smart agriculture; drones; remote sensing

Lin, Po Hung


10023 Asian Development Outlook 2000 - Special Chapter: The social challenge in Asia. economic development corporate and corporate restructuring economic trends social challenge purch

10033 Asian development outlook 2004 : Special Chapter - Foreign direct investment in developing Asia. economy loans economic indicators risks policy development economic assessment purch

9936 Asian development outlook 2005. economics finance macroeconomic assessment East Asia Southeast Asia South Asia Central Asia Pacific purch

10037 Asian development outlook 2007: Growth amid change. economics finance trade economic performance Asia purch

9911 Asian water supplies: Reaching the urban poor. water water resources management sanitation water supply poverty tariffs governance research regulations government policy

McIntosh, A.C.
