List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8491 How the Philippines can learn from its neighbors and become a major player in the global rubber industry. rubber latex,

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

4293 How they won the battle vs. termites. termites, Formosan termites, thermal imager, toxic bait matrix, essential oils, serials agriculture

8628 How to address green tobacco sickness. tobacco, nicotine,

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

7300 How to alleviate the impact of drought on sugarcane. sugarcane el nino land preparation planting fertilizer management crop maintenance irrigation small water impounding small farm reservoir shallow ground water pump serials agriculture magazine

3300 How to analyze fish community responses to coral mining

Dawson-Shepherd, A.R.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

3944 How to apply for organic certification. Organic agriculture, certification, serials agriculture

5572 How to avoid insect pest damage. pest insects varieties beneficial organisms whorl maggots rice caseworms leaffolders damage characteristics leaffolder rice skipper short-horned grasshopper armyworm green leafhopper brown planthopper white-backed planthopper zigzag leafhopper stem borer rice bug serials agriculture magazine

4624 How to breed aglaonemas. aglaonema, varieties, plant breeding, pollination, seeds, hybrids, pollen,

Aurigue, F.B.

serials agriculture

4419 How to breed anthuriums. anthuriums, germplasm collection, floral parts, flower, pollination, artificial pollination, fruit setting, fruit harvesting, seed sowing, germination, fertilization, cross-pollination, hybridization,

Aurigue, F.B.

serials agriculture

5987 How to breed hoyas. hoyas flower morphology pollination fruit development seeds seedlings maturation

Aurigue, Fernando B.

serials agriculture magazine