List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15020 How to grow emerald green melons emerald green melons; planting site; spacing; irrigation; fertilization; pruning; harvesting

Ancheta, Aubregyn V.

serials agriculture magazine

3734 How to grow fruit trees on low-lying fields. mango trees, waterlogged areas, drainage,

Berioso, Jennifer G.

serials agriculture

5565 How to grow organic papaya. papaya vermicomposting bokashi fertilizer preparation planting pruning crop rotation

Mikkelson, Keith

serials agriculture magazine

4188 How to grow ubi. Dioscorea alata, tuber crop, varieties, setts, tubers, sett transport, site selection, planting, trellising, weeding, cultivation, irrigation, harvesting, marketing,

Ogbinar, A.O.

serials agriculture

5438 How to grow Ulang, the freshwater prawn. freshwater prawn, site selection, pond design, pond preparation, stocking, feeding, fertilizer application, pH, diseases, harvesting,

Lina, L.T.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

12845 How to handle organic fruits and vegetables evaporative cooling atmosphere packaging organic-based sanitizer bio-ethylene

Del Carmen, Dormita R.

serials agriculture magazine

4858 How to keep lowland soils in top condition for rice. Subsoiling : Soil management, plowing, rice,

Zagado, Ronan G.

serials agriculture

5655 How to make concentrate mixture for goats. concentrates feed supplements goats feeding

Pablico, Sosimo M.

serials agriculture magazine

4365 How to make money in ornamental plants. business, ornamental plants, seedlings,

Sarian, Z.B.

serials agriculture

5826 How to make soya milk. soya milk

Planco, Nenita C.

serials agriculture magazine