List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5696 How to breed Ti plants. Ti plant Cordyline uses floral biology pollination fruit development harvesting seed processing germination

Aurigue, Fernando B.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

14078 How to build creep boxes to keep your piglets safe pig production; creep box; ACIAR; PCAARRD serials agriculture magazine

5504 How to choose the appropriate rice variety to plant. rice, varieties, drought tolerance, soils, lodging, water submergence, land preparation, harrowing, hybrid rice, seedlings, varieties, pest management, seedbed, germination, transplanting, serials agriculture magazine

5523 How to choose the right lettuce variety. lettuce, varieties,

Caballes, Michael S.

serials agriculture magazine

4923 How to control bunchy top in banana. Bunchy top : Plant diseases, virus, aphids, disease control, serials agriculture

4867 How to control nutsedge in rice and onion fields. Stale seedbed technique : Weed control, Cyperus rotundus, purple nutsedge, onions,

Zagado, Ronan G.

serials agriculture

12884 How to engage the youth, teach agri in senior high school senior high school program Philippine Rice Research Institute infomediaries Infomediary Campaign enrollment increase strategies best-fit practices

Pasiona, Sonny A.

serials agriculture magazine

14942 How to feed a survival garden garden; fertilizer application

Barcelona, Julius

serials agriculture magazine

5839 How to fix iron deficiency in cacao. cacao iron soil amendment fertilizer application stem-nailing leaves

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

4617 How to grow alugbati. Basella alba, vegetables, varieties, adaptation, land preparation, planting, cultivation, irrigation, weed control, pest control, harvesting, curing, storage, fertilizer application, serials agriculture