List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5915 How to produce your own probiotics. probiotics chickens turkeys ducks pigs goat sheep cattle plants serials agriculture magazine

5529 How to provide the nutrients that the rice plants need. rice nitrogen phosphorus potassium zinc sulfur fertilizer application serials agriculture magazine

14526 How to put up and run a weekend market weekend markets; marketing

Tan, Yvette

serials agriculture magazine

4314 How to raise onion seedlings. vegetable growing, seedling production, onion, transplanting, damping off, land preparation, irrigation, serials agriculture

4894 How to raise rabbits. Animal production : Animal husbandry, rabbit raising, animal housing, feeding management, animal health, animal diseases, animal breeding, marketing,

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture

3948 How to reduce weeds in rice-onion systems. Weeds, mulching, rice straw,

Ma. Pablico, Sosimo

serials agriculture

7160 How to ripen mangoes with calburo. mangoes ripening calcium carbide

Daray, Felix B.

serials agriculture magazine

5547 How to solve chlorpyrifos residue problem on mango fruits. mango fruits chlorpyrifos ants mealy bug spraying

Provido, Noel T.

serials agriculture magazine

5948 How to solve the declining yield of RP's major seaweed. seaweeds Kappaphycus alvarezzii cottonii yield decline

Barraca, Ruben T.

serials agriculture magazine

5505 How to sow rice by direct seeding. rice, water management, drum seeder, land preparation, seeds, serials agriculture magazine