ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3713 | Hybrid bell pepper resistant to nematodes. | bell peppers, nematodes, | serials | agriculture |
9400 | Hybrid coconut: Its potential to help overcome poverty. | coconut, hybrids, varieties, | Pamplona, Pablito P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3681 | Hybrid improvement of Chinese radish. | Raphanus sativus, self-incompatibility, seed set analysis, hybrid, | Montira Putivoranat |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
5569 | Hybrid rice - Best bet for rice sufficiency. | hybrid rice yield | serials | agriculture magazine |
6220 | Hybrid rice 101. | hybird rice planting hybrid vigor | Nas, Mark |
serials | agriculture magazine |
6342 | Hybrid rice commercialization is a sure way to rice sufficiency. | hybrid rice commercialization | Pablico, Sosimo Ma. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9439 | Hybrid rice farmers in Visayas enjoying bountiful harvest. | hybrid rice, harvest, | Nas, Mark |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13503 | Hybrid rice for the modern Filipino farmer | hybrid rice; rice producing provinces | Malabanan, Frisco M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5545 | Hybrid rice made simple : Producing hybrid rice. | Producing hybrid rice. | hybrid rice | serials | agriculture magazine |
6123 | Hybrid rice makes a big difference in the lives of Tabacao farmers. | hybrid rice income yield | Pablico, Sosimo Ma. |
serials | agriculture magazine |