List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11032 Biotechnology improves farm yields. biotechnology herbicide resistance gene transfer CGIAR Rockefeller Foundation China Asia drought resistance

Maguilas, Armand

biotech philippine journal

11490 Biotechnology in agriculture : A lot more than just GM crops A lot more than just GM crops / biotechnology genetically modified crops plant breeding mutation breeding seed technology tissue culture Africa Kenya biopesticides biofertilizers microbial fermentation DNA RNA plant disease metabolomics proteomics genomics transgenic crops crop production molecular breeding genetic engineering biotech

11285 Biotechnology in the context of biodiversity. biotechnology biodiversity food processing pest control DNA technology genetic engineering biosafety ecosystems Cartagena protocol

Fernando, Edwino S.


11481 Biotechnology in tree production : Creating a self-sustaining production and dissemination system in Kenya. Creating a self-sustaining production and dissemination system in Kenya. biotechnology Africa Kenya eucalyptus tissue culture sustainable development biodiversity capacity building Uganda on-farm trials

Wakhusama, S.; Kanyi B.

biotech isaaa briefs no. 25

11046 Biotechnology overview : Principles, concepts, and applications. biotechnology plant breeding food security DNA technology biosafety genetic engineering plasmid genetically modified organisms : GMO genetically modified food transgenic crops

Raymundo, Asuncion K.


11340 Biotechnology processed mushrooms a hit. Dr. Edmond Mendoza (BDMPC Consultant) Mr. Benigno Espinosa (farmer-member) Fernando Lopez (BDMPC Executive Committee Chairman) BIBA-DIWA Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BDMPC) spawning technology transfer agricultural waste pollution biotechnology mushrooms edible fungi home-grown edible mushrooms volvarela banana mushroom culture mushroom production income Malasiqui, Pangasinan Northern Luzon nutritional intake

Galvez, Joe

biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology

11286 Biotechnology research and development in the Philippines. biotechnology biodiversity intellectual property rights transgenic crops agrobacterium Bt corn animal biotechnology biosafety

Cardenas, Danilo C.


11252 Biotechnology school-on-the-air in region 02 biotechnology food production biological conservation Region 2 biotech

11028 Biotechnology seen providing solutions to food, health issues biotechnology gene transfer DNA

Belleza, Arnold E.

biotech bussiness world

11487 Biotechnology to benefit small-scale banana producers in Kenya. biotechnology tissue culture Kenya KARI banana technology transfer biodiversity capacity-building biotech