List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11185 Safety assessment of novel foods in the European Union. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs biosafety food security gene transfer transgenic crops allergenicity

Karl Heinz Engel


11188 Safety assessment of proteins. biotechnology genetically modified plants : GM Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt food safety toxicity transgenic crops allergenicity protein trypsin recombinant DNA : rDNA

Engel, Karl Heinz


10735 Safety evaluation of genetically modified foods and animal feed a basis for market introduction. DNA technology genetically modified foods animal feed foods and feeds transgenic food crops tomatoes potatoes mRNA fingerprinting plant breeding food safety

Kuiper, H.A.


11052 Safety of genetically modified food and feed : Issues, concerns and assessment. biotechnology DNA technology food safety biosafety intellectual property rights : IPR risk management

Tecson-Mendoza, Evelyn Mae


11265 Science and the environmentally effects of GM crops. genetically modified organisms : GMOs biotechnology DNA technology gene transfer transgenic crops genomic risk assessment biodiversity gene flow food security

Persley, Gabrielle

biotech agrolinks

10712 Science-based risk assessment for plants. risk assessment risk managemen Bacillus thuringiensis rDNA gene transfer

Cook, James R.

biotech psp seminar monograph no. 05-02

11020 Scientists say gene-modified food safe. genetically modified : GM antibacterial resistance biotechnology maize soybean biotech manila bulletin

11405 SEARCA BIC joins youth club, conducts biotech workshop for kids. biotechnology deoxyribonucleic acid : DNA

Baracol, Dione C.A.

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

11262 Searching for a balance: environmental concerns and potential benefits of transgenic crops in center of origin and diversity. transgenic plants biosafety biotechnology risk assessment solanum diversity gene flow zea mays Latin America Bt toxin : Bacillus thuringiensis

Virgin, Ivar; Frederick, Robert


10778 Searching for the role of agricultural biotechnology in sustainable agricultural development of the region. technology innovations transgenic biotechnology gene revolution biosafety food safety intellectual property rights risk assessment

Villareal, Ruben L.
