List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10887 Sharing information for a better tomorrow. transgenic crops technology transfer food security genetic engineering crop biotechnology global knowledge genetically modified

James, Clive

biotech crop biotech brief, vol. i, no. 1, january 2001

11489 Sharing knowledge on biotech : A how-to guide biotechnology media academics health care non-government organizations food industry feed industry consumers

Watson, Lisa


11346 Sim Cuyson: Making a difference in promoting safe and responsible agricultural technology. saline tolerance, drought tolerance, cholesterol, reservatrol, lettuce, trans fatty acid, vitamine E, cookings oils, beta-carotene, rice, lycopene, tomatoes, biotech crops, organic farming, biotechnology generators, agrochemicals, environmental science, chemicals, agricultural technology, agriculture, biotechnology, Sim Cuyson, Crop Protection Association of the Philippines : CPAP, integrated pest management, science industry, herbicides, global, transgenic crops, DNA, rabies vaccine production,

Paredes, Joel C.

biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology

10981 Slaying the myth on low organic yield. genetically modified organisms : GMO biotechnology food production policies food safety pesticides

Liebhardt, Bill

biotech organic matters

10766 Socio-economic implications of agricultural biotechnology. biotechnology economic factors technical factors political factors intellectual property rights plant breeding technology transfer globalization Indonesia biotech

11115 Sorting out the facts about fat. fatty acid carbohydrates protein triglyceride cholesterol hydrogenation trans fats omega-3 omega-6 biotech ific review

11127 Spotlight on fructose: Reprinted from Food Insight, Jan/Feb 1995. diabetes sucrose fructose high-fructose syrup : HFS saccharin biotech

10762 Status and perspectives on biosafety aspects of living modified organisms in the Philippines. biotechnology Philippines biosafety environmental risks biological diversity nitrogen fixation genetically modified organisms DNA cartagena protocol transgenic crops

de Leon, Josefina L.; Dano, Elenita C.


11277 Status of agricultural biotechnology research and policy in Indonesia. biotechnology policy Indonesia transgenic crops livestock production poultry production biosafety genetic engineering food safety capacity building

Slamet-Loedin, Inez H.


10840 Status of papaya industry and papaya R&D in the Philippines. papaya papaya ringspot virus ACIAR SEA biotechnology anthrachnose anntisense technology

Villegas, Violeta N.

biotech isaaa briefs no. 11