List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1438 Dynamics of vegetable production, distribution and consumption in Asia. vegetables supply demand production crop diversification marketing international trade research needs government policies prices Bangladesh China India Indonesia Korea Malaysia Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Taiwan Thailand Vietnam

Ali, M. (ed.)


3249 Dynamite fishing in Sierra Leone Fishing methods

Vakily, J.M.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

15047 E-agriculture in action agriculture; Information and Communication Technologies; food safety; traceability; China; Bangladesh; climate change; development indicators; rural development; sustainable development

Sylvester, Gerard


14756 E-agriculture in action: Blockchain for agriculture - Opportunities and challenges blockchain technology; agriculture; agri-supply chains; FARMS; financial and agricultural risk management; ICT; risks weblinks

15048 E-agriculture in action: Drones for agriculture Information and Communication Technologies; agricultural productivity; monitoring; drones; unmanned aerial systems; crop insurance; forests; rice areas

Sylvester, G.


14759 E-commerce connectivity in ASEAN e-commerce; digital connectivity; tariff; tax exemption; network cooperation; smart tourism; healthcare; innovation; technology; regulation; governance; services; trade; ASEAN; Malaysia; Vietnam; Thailand; India; Myanmar; Lao PDR weblinks

3981 E-commerce in Taiwan's agricultural marketing. agricultural marketing digital economy e-commerce e-business extranet information technology internet intranet traditional economy Taiwan

Fu-Shan Liu

serials fftc extension bulletin 525

9646 E-Learning Korea : Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, Educational Broadcasting System. e-learning Korea education human resources development educational broadcasting system information technology(IT) IT industry on-line lectures cd

9829 E-Z map - Philippines travel atlas. maps holidays festivals history churches Philippines purch

9430 E. Coli: Alive and well probably in a streambed near you. Escherichia coli fecal

Perry, Ann

serials agriculture magazine