ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1428 | Economic and environmental impacts of using treated distillery slops for irrigation of sugarcane fields. | distilleries waste disposal sugarcane irrigation waste management economic impact environmental effect effluent flow Vietnam Philippines | Manalili, N.M.; Badayos, R.B.; Dorado, M.A. |
book | eepsea research reports 2003-rr11 |
14678 | Economic and environmental sustainability performance of environmental policies in agriculture | economic performance; agri-environmental policy; innovation; Porter Hypothesis; environmental sustainability; agricultural sustainability; AES; economic aspect; innovation | DeBoei, Gwendolen |
weblinks | oecd food, agriculture and fisheries papers no. 140 |
14883 | Economic and personal well-being of dairy buffalo entrepreneurs in Nueva Ecija, Philippines | Dairy buffalo enterprise; economic well-being; personal well-being; well-being index | Dela Cruz, Ericson N. |
theses |
16340 | Economic and profitability analysis of walnut production in Kashmir Valley, India | cost-benefit ratio; extension services; efficiency; profitability; walnut | Lone, Fayaz Ahmad; Ganaie, M. Imran; Ganaie, Showkat A.; Rather, Javeed Ahmad; Bhat, M. Shafi |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
16060 | Economic and social impacts of an avian flu outbreak | policy implications; avian flu; bird flu; social impact | Galang, Ryan Jay I. |
serials | searca policy brief series 2007-5 |
15664 | Economic and spatio-temporal analysis of food and nutrition security in Mindanao, Philippines | food and nutrition security; economics; food availability; food accessibility; food utilization; food stability; agricultural sustainability; dimensional index; spatial relationships; Mindanao | Basan, Romiel John P. |
theses |
12709 | Economic assessment by farmers of the multifunctional outputs of rice farms in Leyte, Philippines. | groundwater recharge soil conservation flood prevention biodiveristy rice commodity food security admixture treatment | Eduardo Firmo Roquino |
theses |
12539 | Economic assessment of mangosteen farmers' adoption of good agricultural practice (GAP) in Rayong province, Thailand. | mangosteen farmers farming practices yields benefits farm management practices Thailand | Suwisar Ketin |
theses |
3251 | Economic assessment of shrimp (Penaeus monodon) hatchery industry in Panay Island, Philippines | shrimp Penaeus monodon Philippines | Agbayani, R.G. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
3138 | Economic benefits of management options for Kho Hong Hill, South Thailand. | ecosystem services cost-benefit analysis | Saowalak Roongtawanreongsri; Prakaert Sawangchote; Sara Bumrungsri; Chaisri Suksaroj |
book | eepsea research reports 2014-rr1 |