List of Purchase : 985

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10114 Integrated science. science motion energy heat temperature wave motions sound electricity light atoms chemical reactions water water solutions nuclear reactions universe solar system earth organic compounds biochemistry living things evolution ecology environment human biology molecular genetics sexuality

Tillery, Bill W.; Enger, Eldon D.; Ross, Frederick C.


9908 Intellectual property and development: Lessons from recent economic research. intellectual property rights international trade technology transfer foreign direct investment manufacturing industries licensing patents

Fink, C.; Maskus, K.E. (eds.)


10193 International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF). internal auditing code of ethics resource management risk management planning analysis and evaluation documenting information disseminating results monitoring information reliability and integrity retention of records communication criteria engagement planning follow-up process purch

10039 International trade and climate change: Economic, legal, and institutional perspectives. climate change greenhouse gas emissions international trade environment WTO liberalization solar photovoltaics wind power technology clean coal technology energy Kyoto Protocol purch

10093 International Workshop on Improving E-Learning Policies and Programs - Proceedings. E-learning knowledge management ICT technological advances Asia Pacific purch

10318 Internetworking multimedia. multimedia communication internet technology media data interactive multimedia coding compression middleware transport protocols conference control advertisement

Crowcroft, Jon; Handley, Mark; Wakeman, Ian


9970 Introducing communication theory: analysis and application. communication communication theory research process Cognitive Dissonance Theory Expectancy Violations Theory Uncertainty Reduction Theory Social Penetration Theory Social Exchange Theory Ralational Dialectics Theory Communication Privacy Management Theory Groupthink Adaptive Structuration Theory Organizational Culture Theory Organizational Information Theory rhetoric dramatism narrative paradigm cultural studies cultivation analysis Gratifications Theory Spiral of Silence Theory Media Ecology Theory Face-Negotiation Theory Standpoint Theory Muted Group Theory Communication Accommodation Theory

West, Richard; Turner, Lynn H.


16479 Introduction to agribusiness management and entrepreneurship agribusiness management; product management; agricultural business management; entrepreneurship

Mitchell, Finlay


10661 Introduction to agricultural economics. consumer behavior market demand elasticity of demand market equilibrium environment soil conservation government intervention macroeconomics business fluctuations agricultural trade

Penson, John B. Jr.; Capps, Oral Jr,; Rosson, C. Parr III; Woodward, Richard T.


10368 Introduction to agricultural statistics. agriculture statistical methods statistics probability sampling hypothesis testing analysis of variance correlation regression index construction

Davis, Bob
