List of Purchase : 985

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10572 Green marketing management. green marketing environmental effects consumption sustainable supply cycles pricing constraints energy consumption carbon emissions industrial consumption

Dahistrom, Robert


9914 Green miniatlas. forests biodiversity energy transport emissions water sanitation water pollution carbon dioxide electricity fuels protected areas birds mammals deforestation irrigation fertilizers agriculture purch

10650 Green works: The viability of organic farming in the Philippines. organic farming consumers Green Revolution AFMA WTO intellectual property rights genetically modified organisms biofuels organic farms fertilizer producers purch

16352 Grit: Why passion and resilience are the secrets to success grit; passion; perseverance

Duckworth, Angela


10160 Group process and the inductive method : Theory and practice in the Philippines. group relations training group work group dynamics experiential learning cycle instructional resources structured learning decision making organizational development energizers and icebreakers feedback

Ortigas, Carmela D.


10403 Guide on climate change and indigenous peoples. climate change indigenous people biodiversity women renewable energy adaptation measures

Tauli-Corpuz, Victoria; de Chavez, Raymond; Baldo-Soriano, Eleanor; Magata, Helen; Golocan, Christine; Bugtong, Maribeth V.; Enkiwe-Abayao, Leah


10539 Guide to PFRS [Philippine Financial Reporting Standards] for SMEs [Small Medium Entities]. financial reporting financial statements small and medium-sized entities income statement cash flows accounting policies inventories investments property leases liabilities revenue government grants employee benefits foreign currency translation hyperinflation purch

9904 Guidelines for the economic analysis of projects. economic analysis quantification valuation costs and benefits economic prices conversion factors quantitative risk analysis purch

10360 Gymnastics fun & games: 51 activities for children. gymnastics games warm-up games skill development conditioning endurance

Hacker, P.; Malberg, E.; Nance, J.


10308 Handbook for developing and conducting gender training for agricultural extension workers. training needs assessment gender analysis planning workshop trainers' training women WID WAD GAD rainfed farming training needs assessment gender analysis purch