List of Purchase : 985

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10060 Statistical procedures for agricultural research. statistical methods agriculture research field experiments rice soil heterogeneity

Gomez, Kwanchai A.; Gomez, Arturo A.


9891 Statistical research methods in the life sciences. statistical methods population experimental designs ANOVA linear regression Factorial designs

Rao, P.V.


10016 Statistical yearbook 2001. agriculture industry investment commerce tourism education public health culture population gross domestic product purch

9955 Statistics for research: Applications in research, thesis and dissertation writing, and statistical data management using SPSS software. statistics statistical data management research proposal SPSS Chi-Square Test

Subong, P.E.; Beldia, M.D.


10086 Statistics made simple. statistics central tendency average deviation skewness Kurtosis inferential statistics parametric tests nonparametric tests quartiles percentiles

Broto, Antonio S.


10629 Statistics. probability inferential statistics

Johnson, Robert R.


10610 Stern's introductory plant biology. cells tissues roots stems leaves flowers seedw water plant metabolism meiosis molecular biology plant breeding biomes seed plants classification

Bidlack, James E.; Jansky, Shelley H.


10224 Straight talk on biotechnology - Volume 1. biotechnology cloning agricultural biotechnology products marine biotechnology rice Bt corn commercial use risk assessment government guidance

Peczon, Benigno D.; Manalo, Abraham J. (eds.)


10256 Straight talk on biotechnology - Volume 2. biotechnology genetically modified foods food safety food biotechnology food labeling education economic benefits environmental issues intellectual property rights plant biotechnology GM crops

Peczon, Benigno D.; Manalo, Abraham J. (eds.)


10591 Strategic management and business policy: Achieving sustainability. corporate governance environmental scanning strategy formulation strategy implementation evaluation and control case analysis staffing and directing technology and innovation

Wheelen, Thomas L.; Hunger, David
