ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10060 | Statistical procedures for agricultural research. | statistical methods agriculture research field experiments rice soil heterogeneity | Gomez, Kwanchai A.; Gomez, Arturo A. |
purch |
9891 | Statistical research methods in the life sciences. | statistical methods population experimental designs ANOVA linear regression Factorial designs | Rao, P.V. |
purch |
10016 | Statistical yearbook 2001. | agriculture industry investment commerce tourism education public health culture population gross domestic product | purch |
9955 | Statistics for research: Applications in research, thesis and dissertation writing, and statistical data management using SPSS software. | statistics statistical data management research proposal SPSS Chi-Square Test | Subong, P.E.; Beldia, M.D. |
purch |
10086 | Statistics made simple. | statistics central tendency average deviation skewness Kurtosis inferential statistics parametric tests nonparametric tests quartiles percentiles | Broto, Antonio S. |
purch |
10629 | Statistics. | probability inferential statistics | Johnson, Robert R. |
purch |
10610 | Stern's introductory plant biology. | cells tissues roots stems leaves flowers seedw water plant metabolism meiosis molecular biology plant breeding biomes seed plants classification | Bidlack, James E.; Jansky, Shelley H. |
purch |
10224 | Straight talk on biotechnology - Volume 1. | biotechnology cloning agricultural biotechnology products marine biotechnology rice Bt corn commercial use risk assessment government guidance | Peczon, Benigno D.; Manalo, Abraham J. (eds.) |
purch |
10256 | Straight talk on biotechnology - Volume 2. | biotechnology genetically modified foods food safety food biotechnology food labeling education economic benefits environmental issues intellectual property rights plant biotechnology GM crops | Peczon, Benigno D.; Manalo, Abraham J. (eds.) |
purch |
10591 | Strategic management and business policy: Achieving sustainability. | corporate governance environmental scanning strategy formulation strategy implementation evaluation and control case analysis staffing and directing technology and innovation | Wheelen, Thomas L.; Hunger, David |
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