ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9982 | The complete color harmony. | color chart color wheel moods psychology of color color trends color conversion chart color swatches special effects aspects of color | Sutton, Tina; Whelan, Bride M. |
purch |
10383 | The complete fundamentals of drawing. | drawing still life figure drawing landscapes portraits | Barber, Barrington |
purch |
9844 | The directory of international funding organizations, nonprofit organizations, NGOs, corporate donors, and relief agencies. | directory funding organizations nonprofit organizations nongovernmental organizations relief agencies donors | purch |
10259 | The economics of climate change in Southeast Asia: A regional review. | climate change impacts economic development social development land use natural resources water resources agriculture forestry coastal and marine resources human health agroforestry livestock management manure management grassland management peatland management mitigation energy | purch |
10655 | The elements of environmental pollution. | pollutants environmental chemistry pollution | Rieuwerts, John |
purch |
9845 | The end of poverty: How we can make it happen in our lifetime. | poverty economic prosperity clinical economics inflation market reforms Bolivia Poland Russia China India United Nations | Sachs, Jeffrey |
purch |
10370 | The essence of information systems. | information systems business strategy planning framework information technology | Edwards, Chris; Ward, John; Bytheway, Andy |
purch |
10620 | The ethical dilemma. | ethics organizations | Garber, Peter R. |
purch | hr skill series |
9909 | The everything project management book. | project management project team leadership budget schedule monitoring software technologies risk management conflict resolution motivational skills contingency plan project evaluation negotiating | Mintzer, Rich |
purch |
10178 | The experience of philosophy : General introduction to philosophy. | philosophy wisdom philosophers religion logic morality political philosophy education | Articulo, Archimedes C. |
purch |