List of Purchase : 985

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10101 The quality of education: Dimensions and strategies. education quality teachers teaching monitoring curriculum incentives recruitment needs policies

Chapman, David; Adams, Don

purch education in developing asia, vol.5

10473 The road less travelled: Project development by LGUs for LGUs. economic development projects rural development projects local government

Hubo, Colin; Papelleras, Dionisio Jr.; Dy, Rolando; Padojinog, Winston Conrad; Llanto, Gilbert


10192 The S5 for the office user's guide. organizational management lean organization tools commitment implementation team project measures waste audit purch

10481 The science of agriculture: A biological approach. agriculture soil cells genetics genetic engineering agricultural organisms plant systems plant reproduction plant growth animal systems plant diseases animal diseases weed science entomology forestry aquaculture wildlife management food supply biosecurity food preservation fiber production organic production energy laboratory safety food safety

Herren, Ray V.


10286 The science of psychology. psychology behavior human development sensation perception learning memory motivation psychological disorders therapies

King, L.A.


10280 The social construction and usage of communication technologies: Asian and European experiences. information technology communication and technology telecommunication cellular telephones mobile phone internet

Pertierra, Raul (ed.)


10672 The sociology of food and agriculture. food system malnutrition food culture gender ethnicity poverty agrobiocultural diversity knowledge transfer agroecosystems agriculture food security agri-food networks biofuels

Carolan, Michael


15058 The soils of the Philippines soils; soil survey; pedology; soil classification; soil mapping; lowlands; uplands; hills; mountains; Philippine economy; problem soils; land evaluation; soil valuation; land degradation assessment; soil resources; economic use; soil issues; history; Philippines

Carating, Rodelio B.; Galanta, Raymundo G.; Bacatio, Clarita D.


10323 The spirit of the soil: Agriculture and environmental ethics. soil agriculture food sustainable agriculture farmer environment

Thompson, P.B.


10119 The state of the Philippine environment. forests agricultural lands coastal resources marine resources freshwater resources urbanization industrial development energy toxic wastes mining purch