List of Theses : 1587

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11931 Physiological and biochemical approaches in the selection of sugarcane varieties under different fertility levels. agronomy sugarcane fertility levels

Kasem Sooksathan


12464 Physiological and biochemical bases of blackheart disorder alleviation in waxed 'Queen' pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr.) fruits. pineapple physiology biochemical changes sensory changes waxing temperature blackheart disorder respiration rates phenolics ascorbic acid

Soe Soe Aung


12666 Physiological and biochemical bases of sprout inhibition in stored onion allium cepa L. cv. red creole bulbs by pre- or post harvest application on : ethylene. ethylene. onion ethylene post harvest sprout

Yi Yi Soe


11800 Physiological and morphological changes of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk.) horticulture Physiology morphology jackfruit Artocarpus heterophyllus plant survival seedlings

Ishak Bin Pandak


13232 Physiological and morphological responses of corn (Zea mays L.) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) grown in an acidic clay loam soil (Typic Eutrudepts) under different fertilizers applied with corn cob and corn husk biochars corn; Zae mays; peanut; Arachis hypogaea; loam soil; Typic Eutrudepts; corn cob; corn husk; rice straw; biochar; soil properties; physical; chemical properties; crop productivity; carbon dioxide; organic fertilizer

Bulfa, Arsenio D. Jr.


11802 Physiological characterization of the green soft disorder of Saba banana. horticulture Physiology green soft disorder banana Saba banana

Pepito, Maria Fe B.


12810 Physiological response of submerged rice (Oryza sativa L.) under varying phosphorus and potassium concentrations. rice phosphorus potassium grain yield submergence

Than Htwe


12676 Physiological responses of heat-stressed broiler chicken (Gallus gallus domemesticus L.) subjected to early thermal conditioning and feed restriction. chickens thermal condition feed restriction

Hyde Duran Nadela


12628 Physiological, morphological and agronomic factors affecting water use efficiency of sugarcane. sugarcane irrigation shoot growth root growth water requirements

Sanda Kyaw Win


12542 Physiological, morphological and agronomic responses of hybrid, high yielding and traditional rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties to age of seedling ... rice varieties seedling age spacing hybrid rice high yielding rice traditional rice tillers grain yield root aerenchyma

Aye Aye Thwe
