List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14608 Optimization of parameters in the production of turmeric powder using a hammer mill-type pulverizer hammer mill; box-behnken; surface response; methodology; powder processing; pulverizer; turmeric

De Ramos, Jose D.; Peralta, Engelbert K.; Yaptenco, Kevin F.; Suministrado, Delfin C.; Santiago, Marife R.

serials philippine journal of agricultural and biosystems engineering

15515 Optimization of pectin extraction from cacao pod husk optimization; pectin; cacao pod husk; hydrolysis; acids

Tuates Jr., Andres M.; Rudolfo, Rachel; Veneracion, Princess D.; Carriedo, Aileen G.; Ligisan, Aileen; Capariño, Ofero A.

serials asian journal of postharvest and mechanization

7353 Optimization of Pectinase Production on Solid Substrates by Rhizopus sp. 26R Capable of Raw Cassava Starch Hydrolysis. pectinase, rhizopus, raw starch, cassava,

Lerluck Chitradon

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

13247 Optimization of powder production process from Lebui Bean (Cajanus sp.) containing bioactive compounds lebui bean; Cajanus sp.; bioactive compounds; powder production; fermentation; extraction; Lactobacillus sp.; Rhizopus sp.

Wahyu Mushollaeni


15326 Optimization of simultaneous smoking process to maintain essential amino acids in Stingray (Trygon sephen) Trygon sephen; stingray; optimization; smoking; essential amino acid; response surface methodology

Hadi Suprapto


14485 Optimization of sowing time and seed rates can enhance wheat yield in semi-arid environment plant population; seed rate; sowing dates; wheat cultivar; yield associated traits

Basir, Abdul; Tahir, Adnan; Afridi, Kilwat; Fahad, Shah; Ahmad, Zahoor; Adnan, Muhammad; Alam, Mukhtar; Shah, Shaheen; Khan, Admad; Wahid, Fazli; Ibrahim, Muhammad; lnayat-ur-Rahman; Kha, Mushtaq Ahmad; Ali, Rehad

serials the philippine agricultural scientist

12503 Optimization of the processing parameters for the production of flour made from coconut meat residue using response surface methodology. flour coconut meat residue coconut flour response surface methodology Box-Behnken experimental design protein carbohydrates fat content dietary fiber optimization

Garcia, Rosemarie G.


14613 Optimization of thermoelectric cooler (TEC) - cooled closed-end oscillating heat pipe charged with degassed, deionized water Box-Behnken; optimization; oscillating heat pipe; pulsating heat pipe; themos-electic cooler

De Castro, Leandro T.; De Leon, Rizalinda L.

serials philippine journal of agricultural and biosystems engineering

3565 Optimizing the particle bombardment method for efficient genetic transformation biotechnology, gene transfer,

Takashi Hagio

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7616 Optimum conditions for selective separation of Kraft lignin. kraft lignin, precipitation, selective extraction, physico-chemical properties, thermal properties,

Pawadee Methacanon

serials the kasetsart journal