List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4724 Oil palm fronds and bamboo can be made into plyboard. plyboards, bamboos, oil palm, internodes, construction industry, serials agriculture

13347 Oil palm: Coconut's Big Brother palm oil; coconut oil; yield; poverty; food security

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

1914 Oil spill modelling in the east Asian region : with special reference to the Malacca Straits. hydrodynamics oil spill models risk analysis tidal currents coastal monitoring system remote sensing geographic information systems mathematical modelling ocean monitoring

Yu, Huming; Low, Kum Sang; Son, Nguyen Minh; Lee, Dong-Young (eds.)


5402 Oil spills in the U.S.: Response and liability. oil spills, damages, safety, regulations, laws, liabilities,

Ari Nathan

serials tropical coasts

10223 Oil you want to know about Philippine virgin coconut oil (VCO): Resourcebook. coconut oil virgin coconut oil entrepreneurs AIDS food coconut milk VCO processing malnourished children chemistry directory purch

9034 Oil-in-water emulsion (EW) of mixed glyphosate isopropylamine (IPA) and triclopyr butoxyethylester (BEE) stabilised by palm-based emulsifiers for wee. emulsifiers, herbicides, weed control,

Ismail, A.R.

serials journal of oil palm research

287 Oilseed production and marketing in Asia and the Pacific : Report of an APO Symposium, 11-18 December 1991, New Delhi, India. oil industry oilseeds agronomic management rice bran marketing prices economic analysis policy book

805 Oilseeds in Asia - Pacific region plant production oil seed production marketing Asia Oceania coconut production vegetable oil oil crops oilseed crops

Paroda, R.S.; Rai, M. (eds.)

book fao-rapa publication 1993/15

13653 Okra, a food for health-conscious people okra; health benefits

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

4680 Okra: A high yield and easy to grow crop. Abelmoschus esculentus, Hibiscus esculentus, adaptation, cultural requirements, land preparation, sowing, irrigation, fertilizer application, weeding, cultivation, pest management, harvesting, serials agriculture