List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16431 October planting calendar bell pepper; singkamas; turmeric; yam bean; sweet pea; bottle gourd; planting

Tababa, James

serials agriculture magazine

16393 ODeL - Open and distance elearning: Shaping the future of teaching and learning distance learning; course development; institutional services; online courses; distance education; higher education

Alfonso, Grace J.; Garcia, Primo G. (Eds.)


13593 Odonata communities and habitat characteristics in Mount Kanlaon Natural Park, Negros Island, Philippines damselfies; dragonflies; Cyrano unicolor; Risiocnemis rolandmuelleri; Mount Kanlaon National Park

Pagal, Novehm Allen G.; Paguntalan, Lisa Marie J.; Dagoc, Karyl Marie F.; Jakosalem, Philip Godfrey C.; Warguez, Dennis A.; Villanueva, Reagan J. T.

serials sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources

16448 OECD-FAO agricultural outlook 2023-2032 agricultural sector; agricultural products; commodity markets; crop forecasting; prices; consumption; trade policies; statistical data; macroeconomic analysis



8241 Of choice and dilemmas: Bt cotton and self identified organic cotton farmers in Gujarat. Bt cotton, cotton, farmers, Gujarat, organic, transgenic, genetic engineering, seeds,

Roy, Devparna

serials asian biotechnology and development review

5995 Of indigo, talisay and natural dyeing technology. dyes plants Indigofera tinctoria Terminalia catappa

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

13334 Of palms and air plants - How lawyer Bom Gomez turned his cement yard into a garden oasis palms; air plants

Tan, Yvette

serials agriculture magazine

9441 Of what use are wetlands?. wetlands, gene bank, natural reservoir,

Tolentino, Amado

serials agriculture magazine

3529 Off-flavor components of green tea during preservation Tea, Food preservation,

Horita, H.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

5630 Off-season fruit production and other opportunities. off-season production fruits price investment opportunities banana mango durian mangosteen pummelo longkong

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine