List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
676 Plant adaptation and crop improvement crop improvement biodiversity environment interactions plant improvement simulation models spatial databases genotypes drought tolerance

Cooper, M.; Hammer, G.L. (eds.)


15547 Plant adaptation to environmental stresses: A key challenge to rice food security - SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair Lecture Monograph 2 sustainable production; food security; agricultural transformation program; rice production; crop improvement; genetic manipulation; carbon gain; polyamines; drought tolerance; potassium

Mohd Razi Ismail


10420 Plant anatomy and physiology. hormonal regulation plant breeding seed dispersal Medicago truncatula Glomus intraradices arbuscular mycorrhizal Arabidopsis thaliana tree seedlings intracellular root symbioses Drosophila sechellia Nothofagus tomato nightshades aphids dioecious plants sex chromosomes

Klein, Jonathon


8567 Plant baby Janet for baby corn. young corn, silage,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

8194 Plant biosecurity in India: Status and strategy. biosecurity, biosafety, biological warfare, plant quarantine, trade,

Khetarpal, R. K.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

16020 Plant breeding for a productive, sustainable, and resilient agribiosystem monoculture systems; agribiosystem; breeding; plant breeding; biotic stresses; PhilRice

Rasco, Eufemio T. Jr.; Angeles, Noriel

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2016 7-6

10401 Plant breeding. DNA marker resources genomic analysis EST-SSR carbohydrate metabolism gene transfer basal thermotolerance genetic mapping molecular characterization disease resistance wheat rice molecular breeding Lolium perenne maize barley triticale

Stroncone, Carmen


16555 Plant Buko Pandan for more income: Former Agriculture Secretary Manny Pinol encourages coconut farmers to cultivate the sweet and aromatic variety coconut; buko pandan; coconut production; income

Ocampo, Junep

serials agriculture magazine

6209 Plant cabbage with tomato or garlic to reduce insect pest damage. cabbage companion planting tomato garlic intercropping tomatin allicin pests

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

5183 Plant characters, fiber quality and cytology of 4 abaca varieties and 11 hybrids. abaca, abaca industry, chromosonal aberrations, cytology, fiber yield, hybrids, meiotic behavior, morphology, plant characters, varieties,

Moreno, L.O.

serials philippine journal of crop science