ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11802 | Physiological characterization of the green soft disorder of Saba banana. | horticulture Physiology green soft disorder banana Saba banana | Pepito, Maria Fe B. |
theses |
4065 | Physiological functionality of purple-fleshed sweet potatoes containing anthocyanins and their utilization in foods. | food, antioxidant, hypertension, blood glucose level, hepatic function, anthocyanins, | Suda, Ikuo |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
12810 | Physiological response of submerged rice (Oryza sativa L.) under varying phosphorus and potassium concentrations. | rice phosphorus potassium grain yield submergence | Than Htwe |
theses |
12676 | Physiological responses of heat-stressed broiler chicken (Gallus gallus domemesticus L.) subjected to early thermal conditioning and feed restriction. | chickens thermal condition feed restriction | Hyde Duran Nadela |
theses |
14487 | Physiological responses to low temperature conditioning and chitosan coating of red-fleshed dragon fruit [Hylocereus polyrhizus (Weber) Britton and Rose] | antioxidant activity; chitosan coating; Hylocereus polyrhizus; low temperature conditioning | Castro, Angelo C.; Esguerra, Elda B.; Agravante, Josephine U.; Fernando, Lilia M. |
serials | the philippine agricultural scientist |
9152 | Physiological roles of rutin in the buckwheat plant. | plant protection, rutinosidase, buckwheat, | Tatsuro Suzuki |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
6505 | Physiological study and alcohol oxidase gene(s) of thermotolerant methylotrophic yeasts isolated in Thailand. | methylotrophic yeasts alcohol oxidase gene thermotolerant physiological study | Nantana Srisuk; Savitree Limtong; Hiroya yurimoto; Yasuyoshi Sakai; Nobuo Kato |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
12628 | Physiological, morphological and agronomic factors affecting water use efficiency of sugarcane. | sugarcane irrigation shoot growth root growth water requirements | Sanda Kyaw Win |
theses |
12542 | Physiological, morphological and agronomic responses of hybrid, high yielding and traditional rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties to age of seedling ... | rice varieties seedling age spacing hybrid rice high yielding rice traditional rice tillers grain yield root aerenchyma | Aye Aye Thwe |
theses |
12527 | Physiological, morphological and agronomic responses of two groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes to drought during the reproductive stage. | groundnut genotypes physiology morphology agronomic response drought yield dry matter partitioning root distribution harvest index | Tun Shwe |
theses |