List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
708 Philippines Recommends for Corn Postproduction Operations Philippines corn harvesting shelling drying storage corn milling warehousig economic environment postproduction technology book pcarrd technical bulletin no.71

929 Philippines recommends for dipterocarps 1979: II. Veneer and plywood Philippines Dipterocarpaceae veneer manufacture plywood manufacture grading wood preservation cutting pressing drying book

927 Philippines recommends for fast-growing hardwoods Philippines physical property mechanical property chemical composition botanical description bagras gubas kaatoan bangkal moluccan sau yemane insect pests plant diseases economics utilization plywood manufacture particleboard production book pcarrd technical bulletin series no.5-a

772 Philippines Recommends for Grain-Legume Postproduction Operations Philippines grain legumes postproduction operations aflatoxin control storage pests socioeconomic considerations trade practices legume seed peanut mungbean soybean animal feed products book pcarrd philippines recommends series no. 73

1088 Philippines recommends for hides and skins. Philippines cattle hide carabao hide calfskins sheepskins goatskins reptile skins horse hide pigskins slaughter practices marketing leather processing curing marketing book pcarrd technical bulletin series no. 67

938 Philippines recommends for mangrove production and harvesting Philippines mangroves plant production harvesting mangrove forests seed technology pests weeds growth yield silvicultural practices policies legislation book pcarrd philippines recommends series no. 74

810 Philippines recommends for ramie production ramie production cultivation production controls propagation fertilizer application crop protection harvesting decorticated ramie postharvest technology chemical properties uses cost benefit analysis Philippines book pcarrd technical bulletin series no.62

771 Philippines recommends for rice postproduction operations Philippines rice production system harvesting threshing drying storage milling technology selection book pcarrd technical bulletin series no.63

1407 Philippines recommends for rice postproduction operations. Philippines rice production system harvesting threshing drying storage milling technology selection grading postproduction losses book philippines recommends series no. 63-a

11 Philippines Recommends for Watershed Management. Philippines watershed management river basins irrigation hydroelectric power soil fertility water use rehabilitation weather variables social forestry policy analysis book pcarrd technical bulletin series no. 72