ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9556 | Philippine Center for Policy Studies Governance Project : GoForDev Index. | policy research training and political economy policy studies policymakers media and development education forum publications | cd |
13823 | Philippine City Disaster Insurance Pool: Rationale and design | disaster risk; risk modeling; risk assessment; risk management; financing; insurance; Philippines | weblinks |
14018 | Philippine Climate Change Assessment Reports (PHILCCA) | climate change; mitigation; national government institutions; greenhouse gas inventories; emissions; energy; agriculture; forestry; waste; solid waste management; waste reduction; waste recycling; landfill management; ecolabelling | Buendia, L. V.; Lasco, R. D.; Biona, J. B. B.; Badrina, R. B.; Baviera, M. S.; De Jesus, A. C.; Dela Torre, D. M. G.; Demafelis, R. B.; Pulhin, F. B.; Recabar, S. G.; Ruzol, C. D.; Tamayo, E. G. T.; Tapia, M. A.; Tongko-Magadia, B.; Sabino, L. L.; Sabino, |
weblinks |
4945 | Philippine Cockatoo. | Cacatua haematuropygia, | serials | asean biodiversity |
9324 | Philippine coffee delights global guru. | Philippine Coffee Board, Arabica coffee, Robusta coffee, Mindanao Productivity in Agriculture, ACDIVOCA, | De la Cruz, Rose |
serials | agriculture magazine |
10121 | Philippine communication today. | communication mass media journalism society development communication print media newspapers book publishing comics feature writing broadcasting film advertising public relations news agencies public information journalism mass communication | Maslog, Crispin C. (ed.) |
purch |
2813 | Philippine country report on forest genetic resources. | forest genetic resources technologies in situ conservation ex situ genetic conservation sustainable management national programs collaborations food and health security poverty alleviation genebanks | book |
874 | Philippine crop protection policy: Implications for food safety and farm profitability in the vegetable sector | food safety insecticide farm profits vegetable production crop protection policies | Rola, A.C.; Chupungco, A.R.; Roquia, F.H., Jr.; Tejada, A.W.; Hernandez, J.T. |
book |
10493 | Philippine development plan 2011-2016. | employment monetary policy investment small and medium enterprises sustainable agriculture and fisheries infrastructure development governance social development environment natural resources national security financial system transportation water energy information and communication technology social infrastructure waste management housing health facilities education water supply irrigation flood and drainage management | purch |
13842 | Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 | economic growth; sustainable development; justice; culture; values; agriculture; forestry; fisheries; industry; services; human capital; nutrition; health; education; science; technology; innovation; Philippines | weblinks |