ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1894 | Philippine domestic shipping transport industry: State of competition and market structure. | shipping industry policies liberalization government policies market structure competition cargo service interisland transport marine transport | Austria, Myrna S. |
book | pids research paper series no. 2003-02 |
14420 | Philippine economic update - Investing in the future sharing growth and job opportunities for all | typhoon reconstruction; poverty; employment; risks; financial markets; prices; monetary policy; fiscal policy; policies | book |
14423 | Philippine economic update - Preserving consistency and policy commitment | economic and policy developments; risks; poverty; labor force; exchange rate; financial markets; monetary policy; fiscal policy; employment; Mindanao | book |
14421 | Philippine economic update - Pursuing inclusive growth through sustainable reconstruction and job creation | poverty; employment; typhoon; financial markets; prices; monetary policy; fiscal policy; risks; policies; disaster risk financing; tourism industry; Yolanda typhoon | book |
10282 | Philippine educational system: Information technology. | educational system higher education legislation information and communication information technology teachers libraries archives UPOU Philippines | Espiritu, Socorro C. (ed.) |
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16063 | Philippine environment and climate change: An assessment of policies and their impacts | climate change; ENSO; climate impacts; policy brief | Lasco, Rodel D.; Gerpacio, Roberta; Sanchez, Patricia Ann J.; Delfino, Rafaela Jane P. |
serials | searca policy brief series 2008-2 |
2939 | Philippine farm workers : Profile and status. | farmworkers; benefits; demographic profile; rice industry farmworkers; corn industry farmworkers; coconut industry farmworkers; banana industry farmworkers; rubber industry farmworkers | Tecson, Eugene L. |
book | rural development review vol. 3 no. 1 |
13067 | Philippine fauna | fauna; endemic animals; mammals, birds; reptiles; fish; amphibians; insects; corals; Philippines | Pangilinan, Janice F. |
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10253 | Philippine fermented foods: Principles and technology. | fermented foods food preservation microbes fermentation industries microbial culture preservation quality control mold starter culture yeast starter culture lactic acid bacterial starter culture acetic acid bacterial culture food safety alcoholic beverages rice wine sugarcane wine palm wine lactic acid microorganisms soy sauce fish paste fermented rice cake nata fermented vinegar | Chinte-Sanchez, Priscilla |
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14748 | Philippine fisheries profile 2018 | fisheries; fisheries resources; lakes; fishing grounds; economy; trade; production; aquaculture production; municipal fisheries production; commercial fisheries; export; import; food consumption; prices; Philippines | weblinks |