List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15309 Philippine agriculture: Current state, challenges, and ways forward agriculture; issues; challenges; labor; capital risk; infrastructure; resource base; public spending trade policy; public expenditure programs; agribusiness development; credit; Philippines

Briones, Roehlano M.

weblinks pids policy notes no. 2021-12

2654 Philippine allotment garden manual with an introduction to ecological sanitation. allotment gardens community organizing good agricultural practices nursery management plant nutrition pest and disease management water management vegetable crops ecological sanitation budget book

10500 Philippine art and culture. art architecture visual arts performing arts theater music dance cinema Philippines

Brigino, Aurea S.; Dela Paz, Cecilia S.; Hernandez, Eloisa May P.


2949 Philippine asset reform report card. asset reform agrarian reform urban land reform ancestral domain reform aquatic resource reform

Habito, Cielito; Pagsanghan, Joel; Garganera, Jesus; Domdom, Aleta; Javier, Jennifer; Ramirez, Faithful


2145 Philippine biodiversity conservation priorities : A second iteration of the national biodiversity strategy and action plan. biodiversity conservation protected areas threatened species monitoring and evaluation mapping

Ong, P.S.; Afuang, L.E.; Rosell-Ambal, R.G. (eds.)


10117 Philippine biodiversity conservation: A trainer's manual. biodiversity conservation ecology ecosystems environmental laws Philippines purch

2926 Philippine biodiversity: An assessment and plan of action. biological diversity conservation ecology ecological heterogeneity restoration ecology land use forest ecosystems wetland ecosystems marine ecosystems agricultural ecosystems protected areas national legislation international agreements monitoring and evaluation habitat destruction biological pollution chemical pollution

Department of Environment and Natural Resources; United Nations Environment Programme


10404 Philippine biodiversity: Principles and practice. biodiversity species endemicity genetic diversity threatened species extinction ecosystem landscape protected areas ex-situ conservation inbreeding agricultural production forest production genetic resources genetic technology agricultural systems ecotourism

Catibog-Sinha, Corazon; Heaney, Lawrence R.


11106 Philippine biosafety guidelines biosafety genetic engineering risk assessment risk management biotechnology biodiversity genetically modified organisms : GMOs plasmid recombinant DNA : rDNA policies biotech

11372 Philippine Carabao Center: reinventing the carabao. Carranglan, Nueva Ecija genetic conservation biotechnology research and development utilization Philippine Bubbalus bubballis Bureau of Animal Industry Department of Agriculture (DA) Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) water buffalo beef cattle sire dames feeding management artificial insemination milk production embryos Impact Zones (IZ) post thawing motility (PTM) test-tube carabao in-vitro fertilization superovulation meat milk products income liquid nitrogen semen bank extension and training services Eulogio Montealto Isabela State University National Impact Zone (NIZ) National Gene Pool Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Marquez, Carlos, Jr.

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology