List of Materials : 16539

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14024 Pest-smart practices and early warning system under climate change - A manual for rice and other crops agriculture; climate change; abiotic; farmers practices; pests; diseases; early warning system; temperature; rainfall; rice; rodent; insect; humidity; crop rotations; sanitation

Costa, Arnaud; Sathis Sri Thanarajoo; Sivapragasam Annamalai


10957 Pesticide misuse : Stemming the overuse of pesticides has become an urgent issue in many rice-growing countries. integrated pest management pesticides rice economic issues IRRI biotech rice today

16607 Pesticide-free agriculture as a new paradigm for research cropping systems; biological control; microbiome; breeding; epidemiological surveillance; digital agriculture; collective action; pest regulation; mission-oriented research

Jacquet, Florence; Jeuffroy, Marie-Hélène; Jouan, Julia; Le Cadre, Edith; Litrico, Isabelle; Malausa, Thibaut; Reboud, Xavier; Huyghe, Christian

weblinks agronomy for sustainable development

11172 Pesticides and food safety. food safety integrated pest management agricultural chemicals biotechnology food biotechnology pesticides biotech

12319 Pesticides and rice productivity in the Hanoi Province, Red River Delta, North Vietnam agricultural economics pesticides rice farmers fungicide insecticide integrated pest management policy implications rice production Vietnam

Pham Van Hung


8243 Pesticides applications in Bt cotton farms: Issues relating to environment and non-tariff barriers. Bt cotton, pesticide, environment, non-tariff barriers, gujarat, India,

Lalitha, N.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

11891 Pesticides productivity and efficiency of rice farmers in alternative pest management practices in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam agricultural economics Pesticides rice farmers pest management Mekong Delta Vietnam

Dang Thanh Ha


1060 Pesticides rice productivity, and farmers' health: an economic assessment occupational hazards pesticides health pest control methods Oryza sativa crop protection integrated pest management policy

Rola, A.C.; Pingali, P.L.


13081 Pests and diseases of economically important crops in the Philippines plant diseases; insect pests; banana; beans; corn; cucurbits; squash; bitter gourd); eggplant; highland vegetables; onion; garlic; pepper; tomato; beans; okra; lady finger; squash; pesticide; pesticide residue management book

13120 Pests and diseases of forest plantation trees in the Philippines pests; diseases; forest; insect pests; diseases classification; seeds; orchards; storage; forest nurseries; reforestation tree species; forest plantations; plant pests; disease management; integrated pest management; pest control; biological control book book series no. 154