ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14024 | Pest-smart practices and early warning system under climate change - A manual for rice and other crops | agriculture; climate change; abiotic; farmers practices; pests; diseases; early warning system; temperature; rainfall; rice; rodent; insect; humidity; crop rotations; sanitation | Costa, Arnaud; Sathis Sri Thanarajoo; Sivapragasam Annamalai |
book |
10957 | Pesticide misuse : Stemming the overuse of pesticides has become an urgent issue in many rice-growing countries. | integrated pest management pesticides rice economic issues IRRI | biotech | rice today |
16607 | Pesticide-free agriculture as a new paradigm for research | cropping systems; biological control; microbiome; breeding; epidemiological surveillance; digital agriculture; collective action; pest regulation; mission-oriented research | Jacquet, Florence; Jeuffroy, Marie-Hélène; Jouan, Julia; Le Cadre, Edith; Litrico, Isabelle; Malausa, Thibaut; Reboud, Xavier; Huyghe, Christian |
weblinks | agronomy for sustainable development |
11172 | Pesticides and food safety. | food safety integrated pest management agricultural chemicals biotechnology food biotechnology pesticides | biotech |
12319 | Pesticides and rice productivity in the Hanoi Province, Red River Delta, North Vietnam | agricultural economics pesticides rice farmers fungicide insecticide integrated pest management policy implications rice production Vietnam | Pham Van Hung |
theses |
8243 | Pesticides applications in Bt cotton farms: Issues relating to environment and non-tariff barriers. | Bt cotton, pesticide, environment, non-tariff barriers, gujarat, India, | Lalitha, N. |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
11891 | Pesticides productivity and efficiency of rice farmers in alternative pest management practices in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam | agricultural economics Pesticides rice farmers pest management Mekong Delta Vietnam | Dang Thanh Ha |
theses |
1060 | Pesticides rice productivity, and farmers' health: an economic assessment | occupational hazards pesticides health pest control methods Oryza sativa crop protection integrated pest management policy | Rola, A.C.; Pingali, P.L. |
book |
13081 | Pests and diseases of economically important crops in the Philippines | plant diseases; insect pests; banana; beans; corn; cucurbits; squash; bitter gourd); eggplant; highland vegetables; onion; garlic; pepper; tomato; beans; okra; lady finger; squash; pesticide; pesticide residue management | book |
13120 | Pests and diseases of forest plantation trees in the Philippines | pests; diseases; forest; insect pests; diseases classification; seeds; orchards; storage; forest nurseries; reforestation tree species; forest plantations; plant pests; disease management; integrated pest management; pest control; biological control | book | book series no. 154 |