List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6432 PCR-based Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism for Subtyping of Salmonella from Chicken Isolates. Salmonella PCR-based RFLP flagella subtyping

Han Yu Jong; Pak Thae Su; Pannatee Sanpong; Worawidh Wajjwalku; Thavajchai Sukpuaram; Patamaporn Amavisit

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

2321 Peace and human rights education through education for sustainable development: Lessons from four case studies in the Philippines. educational system human rights education Philippines

Lee Seung-Mi; Jung Hye-Won (eds.)

book eiu best case study series no.5

3649 Peanut chlorotic ring mottle, a potyvirus occurring widely on Southeast Asian countries. Arachis hypogaea, Plant viruses,

Fukumoto, F.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

258 Peanut consumption patterns in the Philippines Philippines groundnuts food consumption consumer behaviour protein content peanut production importation nutrient analysis

Garcia, V.V.; Rubico, S.M.; Arenas, R.C.; Valmonte, R.D.

book pcarrd book series no.91

826 Peanut improvement: a case study in Indonesia : Proceedings of an ACIAR/ARRD/QDPI collaborative review meeting held at Malang, East Java, Indonesia, Aug 19-23, 1991. genetic control yields peanuts Pseudomonas solanacearum acid soils plant breeding photoperiod irrigation bacterial wilt lime requirements drought tolerance

Wright, G.C.; Middleton, K.J. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.40

4167 Peanut is not just peanuts in Sta. Lucia, Ilocos Sur. peanuts, income, technology, plant production,

Pablico, S.M.

serials agriculture

1588 Peanut varieties. Land preparation water management fertilization crop protection pests of plants plant diseases weed control harvesting soybeans varieties book information bulletin no. 225/2002

13598 Peanuts and aflatoxin contamination in northern Ghana: Women's local knowledge and practices peanuts; aflatoxin; contamination; local knowledge; practices; women

Ibrahim, Abdul-Majeed

serials tropical resources

15905 Pedagogy and goal-setting in foreign language policy: Potentials for a decolonial framework foreign languages; policy; decolonial studies; instructional materials; teaching approaches; decolonizing foreign languages

Bautista, Naidyl Isis; Cabling, Kristine; Cruz, Frances Antoinette; Melchor, Jillian Loise; Sarmiento, Anna Marie S.

book up cids discussion paper 2019-11

12438 Pedological characteristics of soils in Mount Mayon, Albay, Philippines. soil formation volcanic soil soils clay minerals soil morphology taxonomic classification chemical characteristics Mount Mayon Philippines

Aberin, Vigilia G.A.
