List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9005 Peeling the Roma-style tomatoes the eco-friendly way. tomatoes, infrared peeling, plum tomatoes,

Wood, Marcia

serials agriculture magazine

8437 Pelleted indigofera increases goats' milk. indigofera, goat, milk,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

4449 Pelleting techniques for aquafeed manufacturers (The last of two parts). pelleting, feeds, ingredients,

Sison, J.A.

serials agriculture

4427 Pelleting techniques for aquafeed manufacturers. pelleting, aquatic feeds, binders,

Sison, J.A.

serials agriculture

8392 Pelletizer ensures year-round feed supply for goats. pelletizer, goats, machine,

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

3384 Pen-culture-based reservoir fisheries management: Reservoir production improvement by release of pen-nursed fingerlings of selected species in Thailand Reservoir production improvement by release of pen-nursed fingerlings of selected species in Thailand Fisheries, Fish larvae,

Manni, H.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

14261 Penablanca protected landscape and seascape: Management plan - Strengthening climate change resilience through improved watershed and coastal resources management in protected areas management; climate change; disasters; vulnerability book

13169 Penablanca protected landscape and seascape: Monitoring and evaluation plan - Strengthening climate change resilience through improved watershed and coastal resources management in protected areas monitoring and evaluation; climate change; disasters; vulnerability book

9130 Penguin politics: Human dynamics in the African penguin conservation debate. penguin, Africa,

Holcombe, Linda

serials tropical resources

921 People and trees: The role of social forestry in sustainable development social forestry watershed management natural forests fuelwood crisis employment investment returns project planning education training monitoring and evaluation project organization sustainable development

Gregersen, Hans; Draper, S.; Elz, D. (eds.)
