ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10432 | PC4D - People's Communications for Development. | communication information and communication technologies communication tools empowerment women India Philippines Fiji Papua New Guinea | Mariano, Danicar; Kintanar, Niel Steve; Mendoza, Elaissa |
purch |
5998 | PCA commits to eradicate brontispa before year ends. | Brontispa longissima coconut leaf beetle pests of plants infestation quarantine | Abello, Melpha M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7039 | PCA [Philippine Coconut Authority] finds new parasites versus coco pest. | parasitoid insects Brontispa longissima coconut trees beetle trunk injection | serials | agriculture magazine |
6033 | PCAMRD Exec stresses benefits of vermicomposting. | vermicomposting earthworms | Gerona, Zenaida D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9575 | PCARRD Annual Report, 2004 and Highlights 2004. | science and technology academic scholarship research and development crops and agricultural resource management engineering and ecosystem forestry environment livestock socioeconomics | cd |
9576 | PCARRD Annual Report, 2006. | science and technology academic scholarship research and development crops and agricultural resource management agriculture forestry environment livestock socioeconomics natural resources and environment | cd |
11414 | PCARRD reaping gains : 'Biotech leading Filipino scientists to paradigm shift in research'. | biotechnology PCARRD Dr. Patricio Faylon bunchy top virus pest resistance pest diseases genetic engineering transgenic banana metabolites herbal crops papaya ringspot virus risk communication food production agricultural growth environmental resources agricultural crops genetic transgenic intellectual property biosafety | Resurreccion, Lyn |
biotech | biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology |
4719 | PCASTRD supports R&D on bacteriocins. | bacteriocins, uses, | Anonas, F.V. |
serials | agriculture |
9300 | PCC improving native carabao breed for greater productivity. | Philippine carabao, genetic improvement program, genetic conservation, crossbreeding, backcrossing, | Irang, Ma. Cecilia C. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7751 | PCC-CLSU products outlet: A model for small-scale dairy processing business. | milk products, dairy processing, | Marcelo, Khrizie Evert M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |