ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11949 | Participation of rural women in rural development in Thailand and the Philippines | community development rural women rural development Philippines Thailand | Makha Khittasangka |
theses |
12266 | Participation of Tambon Council in Tambon Development planning in Northeast Thailand. | community development participation Thailand | Benchamas Yooprasert |
theses |
9519 | Participatory 3-Dimensional Modelling: Guiding Principles and Applications. | 3-dimensional modeling (3D) multimedia resource kit participatory guiding principles natural resource management geographical information system (GIS) picture library spatial data | cd |
2725 | Participatory biodiversity assessment: Enabling rural poor for better natural resource management. | biodiversity assessment fungi bacteria species diversity | Dixit, S.; Tewari, J.C.; Wani, S.P.; Vineela, C.; Chaurasia, A.K.; Panchal, H.B. |
book | global theme on agroecosystems report no. 18 |
14979 | Participatory climate risk mapping: Building local adaptation capacities. A case from Ivisan, Capiz, Philippines | climate change; agriculture; food system; climate-smart agriculture; adaptation; mitigation; livelihood climate risks; community risk mapping; Philippines | weblinks |
14703 | Participatory communication in the development of black rice farming program | black rice; coherence; communication process; communication strategy; convergence | Rahmawati Zulfiningrum |
theses |
2681 | Participatory curriculum development in agricultural education: a training guide. | curriculum development education learning process | Rogers, Alan; Taylor, Peter |
book |
1955 | Participatory development and gender analysis: Principles and tools : A resource material for trainers (Modules 1 to 5). | participatory development gender analysis brainstorming method Card method participation empowerment gender sensitivity gender roles | book |
12731 | Participatory development communication in community based natural resources management within the agricultural community in Krabyai Sub-district. | communication natural resources management | Cherdpong Kheerajit |
theses |
14842 | Participatory development of scaling plan as a part of low emission roadmap in rice production of Mekong River Delta | participatory approaches; mitigation; Vietnam; rice | Bui, Tan Yen; Sander, Bjoern Ole; Nelson, Katherine; Vu, Duong Quynh |
weblinks | ccafs working paper no. 302 |