ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
4791 | Padal fishing - A unique fishing method in the Ashtamudi Estuary of Kerala (south India). | bush park fishing, fishing methods, estuary, padal fishing, | Thomas, J.V. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
8852 | Paddy soil properties in Nangarhar province, East Afghanistan. | paddy soil, micronutrients, sandy loam, | Tsugiyuki Masunaga |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
16247 | PAFERN: Advancing Philippine agroforestry education and research via networking | agroforestry; education; research; networking | Landicho, Leila D. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
10557 | Pagpaparami ng kabute [Mushroom production]. | mushroom spawn Pleurotus Volvariella postharvest processing | purch | gabay sa negosyo |
854 | Pagpaparami ng mga halamang foliage | Dracaena godseffiana Dracaena sanderiana Murraya paniculata Cordyline terminalis Pleomele reflexa | book | pcarrd farm primer no. 21 |
4598 | Palasan and pandan. | Calamus merrillii, Pandanus spp., botanical description, distribution, uses, site requirements, phenology, seed technology, propagation, nursery practices, plantation establishment, harvesting, pests of plants, plant diseases, | serials | rise: research information series on ecosystems |
13671 | Palau climate change policy for climate and disaster resilient low emissions development 2015 | climate change adaptation; disaster risk management; mitigation; low emission development; policy | book |
13674 | Palau responsible tourism policy framework 2017-2021 | tourism development; Palau | book |
190 | Palawan agro-industry investment opportunities | Philippines agricultural profile investments Palawan cashew processing mango processing coconut processing rubber processing feed milling grain drying storage milling livestock poultry goat production agro-industry | book |
5904 | Palawan becoming a sustainable agriculture hotspot. | organic farming nongovernmental organizations vegetable garden organic aquaculture Palawan Bountiful Harvest Rural Development En Nido Foundation Hagedorn Piggery Puerto Paraiso Erin Nixie Farms Aloha House | Mikkelson, Keith |
serials | agriculture magazine |