List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6993 Outstanding ornamental plants. ornamental plants serials agriculture magazine

6189 Outstanding small farmer organization in Sorsogon adopts rice hull-fed furnace. postharvest losses drying mechanical dryer rice hull

Embuscado, Erwin S.

serials agriculture magazine

13814 Outstanding veggie hybrids pushed by new seed firm veggie hybrids; seed serials agriculture magazine

6184 Over P5 billion needed to manage, develop Chico River watershed. river overexploitation water pollution projects forest conservation reforestation

Domoguen, Robert L.

serials agriculture magazine

4461 Overcoming feed segregation problems. feeds, segregation, ingredients,

Sison, J.A.

serials agriculture

1079 Overcoming illusions about biotechnology biotechnology sustainable agriculture genetic engineering ethical impacts social impact technology

Perlas, Nicanor


16300 Overcoming obstacles to agricultural microfinance: Looking at broader issues agricultural microfinance; agricultural credit; risks; supply chain

Llanto, Gilberto M.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

13642 Overcoming the barriers: Mainstreaming climate change adaptation in developing countries climate change; adaptation book

763 Overseeding native pasture with legumes for increased beef production Philippines Feed crops Pastures Oversowing Animal production Beef cattle Centrosema

Castillo, A.C.; Lanting, E.L.F.

book pcarrd technology, v.13(1)

8310 Overview and prospects of edible and medicinal mushrooms: production, consumption, and marketing in Taiwan. edible mushrooms marketing and distribution production techniques

Dr. Peng, Jin T.

serials fftc extension bulletin 637