List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13819 Oyster mushroom production guide oyster mushroom serials agriculture magazine

14081 Oyster mushroom production pushed in Region 1 oyster mushroom; production; PCAARRD

Javier, Marizina B.

serials agriculture magazine

8958 Oyster mushroom: A treasure from waste in Laguna. oyster mushroom,

Dulay, Harvey

serials agriculture magazine

13400 Oyster project wins award oyster serials agriculture magazine

6746 P-factors in universal soil loss equation (USLE) of various conservation practices on hillslope at Mae Sa integrated watershed and forest land-use project, Changwat Chiang Mai. universal soil loss equation P-factor conservation measures

Nipon Tangtham; Aphinan Korporn

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

14569 P12,000 worth of guavas a day on 2.1 hectare rented land guava; production; harvest; farming

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

1798 Pacific agroforestry: An information kit. agroforestry soil improvement shade fallows intercropping alley cropping grid intercropping soil erosion yam staking live fencing windbreaks fuelwood timber trees fruit trees livestock coconuts forage trees leucaena gliricidia callianra tree propagation nurseries pests of plants plant diseases book

5491 Package of practices in relation to integrated pest management in bananas. banana, integrated pest management, rotation cropping, sucker treatment, neem, pests, drainage system, tissue culture, mulching, pathogens,

Temanel, Biley E.

serials agriculture magazine

2673 Packaging in fresh produce supply chains in Southeast Asia. packaging supply chain production cost of packaging transportation book rap publication 2011/20

7542 Paclobutrazol, Water Stress and Nitrogen Induced Flowering in 'Khao Nam Phueng' Pummelo. Khao Nam Phueng, pummelo, flowering, carbohydrate, water stress, paclobutrazol, nitrogen,

Thiwaporn Phadung

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science